
Guanping Xiao is a tenured Associate Professor at the College of Computer Science and Technology of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China. He leads the RAISE Group, with research interests in intelligent software reliability, empirical software engineering, and software testing and analysis. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Beihang University (BUAA) in January 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Zheng Zheng. He was also a visiting PhD student at University of Technology Sydney (UTS), supervised by Prof. Yulei Sui.


I'm looking for self-motivated master and undergraduate students, who are interested in software testing, program analysis, and empirical software engineering, feel free to contact me via email!
2024/08 Our work on Python API variadic parameters has been accepted by ISSRE 2024 fast abstracts track. Congrats to Shuai!
2024/07 I have been promoted to Associate Professor.
2024/06 Our tool, PCART, a precisely and fully automated detection and repair tool for Python API parameter compatibility issues, has been released. Please try this tool and give us feedback and suggestions! Relevant paper can be found here.
2024/06 Our work on LLM evaluation using empirical software engineering tasks has been accepted by Internetware 2024. Congrats to Wenjun!
2024/03 Please submit your high-quality work to ISSRE 2024, Internetware 2024, and QRS 2024!
2024/02 Our work on traceability link recovery using deep semi-supervised learning techniques has been accepted by JSS. Congrats to Jianfei!
2023/12 Our UAV log anomaly analysis work has been accepted by ICSE 2024.
2023/11 Our student Huashan Lei won Master's Graduate Special Freshman Scholarship (Second Prize) of NUAA (2023级硕士研究生新生特别奖学金二等奖).
2023/10 Our student Jun Wang won three honors from NUAA: "Outstanding Individual in Scientific Research and Innovation" (科研创新先进个人), "Outstanding Graduate Student" (三好研究生), and "Outstanding Individual in Social Activities" (社会活动先进个人).
2023/08 One paper accepted at ISSRE 2023. Congrats to Huashan!
2023/07 One paper accepted at ESEC/FSE 2023. Congrats to Jun!
2023/05 Invited to serve on the Program Committee of ISSRE 2023 and QRS 2023. Please consider submitting your work!
2023/04 Invited to serve as a master's thesis review expert for the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) (教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心硕士论文评审专家).
2022/07 One paper accepted at ISSRE 2022. Congrats to Jianfei!
2022/07 Invited to serve on the Program Committee of QRS 2022.
2022/03 Invited to serve on the Program Committee of ISSRE 2022.
2021/08 One paper accepted at IEEE TRel.
2021/07 One paper accepted at ISSRE 2021.
2021/05 One paper accepted at ESEC/FSE 2021.
2021/04 Invited to serve on the Program Committee of QRS 2021. Please consider submitting your work!
2021/02 Invited to serve on the Program Committee of ISSRE 2021. Please consider submitting your work!
2020/12 I was invited to serve as an NSFC reviewer.
2020/11 I was elected as a member of CCF TCSS (Systems Software).
2020/09 I received the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2020/08 I received the Young Scientists Fund of the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province.
2020/08 Two papers accepted at ISSRE 2020.
2020/06 I received the Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Novel Software Technology.
2020/01 I joined Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics as an Assistant Professor.

Useful Links

• Writing Technical Articles
• Common Errors in English Usage
• ColorBrewer: Color Advice for Maps
• Five Simple Rules to Be Happy